Thank you so much for your willingness to contribute to our online perspective and bring about a positive change! We gladly solicit for guest author submissions that are passionate about our niche and interested to give a different opinion than from our stand. Apply for our positions if you have a knack for writing and experience in the areas we cover. If you get it, your work might be published.

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Content Relevance: See to it that your write-up is intertwined with the themes and topics that our portal is focused on. We prefer [subjects/genres], so we want you to participate in this and to give us original opinions or provide us with valuable knowledge which will engage and inform our readers.
  2. Originality: Uniqueness is our main criteria for considerations. We have never published content written before. Your work should be completely different from the others’ and especially created for our platform. The content that consists of plagiarism or is in conflict with the copyright rules will be rejected.
  3. Writing Style: My article will deliver education through the use of short and understandable language to make sure the readers will be able to extract the clear meaning and can not get bored with the article. Make sure you spell right, sentence structure is right, and there are no errors, and the sentence can be clearly understood. We are much interested in mannered articles with impressive introductions and very smooth sleepovers.
  4. Word Count: We also avoid limiting the word count severely. Still, we recommend reaching the word count approximately [words]. This will guarantee providing information without losing readers’ attention.
  5. Citations and Sources: If you include any factual information or use citations from any other resource, please ensure that you have cited them. It helps us in preserving the integrity as well as the authenticity of our articles.
  6. Formatting: Reformatting the content on the page by using subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs can enhance the readability of the article. Visualize an idea with images or graphics where appropriate, and provide proper attribution for image sources. Essay on Gentrification Impact on Local Businesses: Exploring the Pros and Cons
  7. Rights and Permissions: However, by simply clicking the submission button, you are agreeing with all that we can edit, make changes, and ultimately, publish your piece on our portal. Nevertheless, you will remain the sole owner of the product/service you develop.

How to Submit:

Send us an email on the following address – [email address]- with your article attached as a .doc file or included in the message itself. Make sure to write a 50-word author bio, and if there is any social media handle or website URL that you would like to get published, put it all together.

We guarantee to look into your submission and feedback to you within the [period of time]. Goals is the availability of feedback to as many submissions as possible . however upon more inquiries, not be able to respond to some of them.

We anticipate your contribution, we really hope that it is something new and exciting since we would like to share it with our audience as well. We together are bringing valuable info, exciting stories and having conversations that are worth.Happy writing!